In an effort to keep you updated on the status of the Pantry operations, we have the following to offer.
Staff meeting held today to discuss what services the Pantry will offer to our clients as of Tuesday, March 17, 2020. We have concluded the following:
The Second Glance Thrift Boutique will close effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Second Glance is tentatively scheduled to reopen on Monday, April 6, 2020
The Pantry will remain open on our regular schedule but with the following restrictions:
There will be no client access to the building, (other than access to the client bathroom.)
Clients will continue to utilize the “Deli Ticket Dispenser” to lend order to the process.
Clients will be provided a “Pantry Shopping List” to complete while waiting outside the building.
Clients will be called up by Deli Ticket # to submit their Pantry Shopping List to a staff member
Client shopping lists will be brought inside by a staff member, and turned over to a volunteer to be photo copied. A copy will go to food distribution to be filled and the original will go to the front desk volunteer to record the client visit
Client shopping lists will be picked/packed by our cadre of available volunteers, utilizing our shopping carts, and then rolled to the exit door, where they will be received by a staff member to be given to the client

Our lobby volunteers will also handle our Public Address announcements (calling deli ticket #’s and shopping orders that are ready for pick up)
The Pantry Boutique will remain closed on the client side, however backside sorting and stocking will continue on our regular weekly schedule
To carry out this amended process we need, at a minimum, volunteers to staff the following positions:
Inside lobby: 2 volunteers (record visits & prepare Pantry Shopping Lists) Produce: 2 volunteers to pick/pack client shopping orders
Food Distribution line: 4-5 volunteers to pick/pack client shopping orders Dairy & Meat: 2 volunteers to pick/pack client shopping orders
Stocking: 4-5 volunteers to stock shelves
Boutique: 2-4 volunteers to sort and do a seasonal restocking
We ask volunteers who plan on coming in to do so 15-20 minutes early so that the staff can review the amended process with the shift.
This whole process is continually evolving and the Pantry staff will evaluate the current circumstances and adjust our operations as need be. We thank all of our volunteers for your concern, hard work, and dedication to our mission of providing food and clothing to those in need.