Cape Cod Organizations That Provide Emergency Assistance

A Baby Center

Provides, at no charge, critical basic items like diapers, formula and clothing for infants and toddlers who live on Cape Cod and the Islands, and whose families meet income guidelines as identified by the federal WIC (Women, Infants & Children) program.

(508) 771-8157

Barnstable Housing Authority

Housing programs for low-income individuals and families, including elderly people, disabled people, and people with special needs.

(508) 771-7222

Cape Cod Vets Center

Provides mental health services to veterans; also a broad range of benefits and VA programs for veterans and their families. This is a program of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

(508) 778-0124

Cape & Islands Veterans Outreach Center

Food pantry for veterans Thursdays 9am-1pm. Counseling and emergency housing for homeless veterans.

(508) 778-1590

Cape Cod Times Needy Fund

Provides emergency financial assistance for housing, utilities, food, medical, transportation and relocation.

(508) 778-5661

(800) 422-1446

Cape Light Compact

Energy audits and rebates on the installation of energy-efficient devices. Website lists resources for fuel assistance, electric discount rates, gas discount rates, and help with overdue electric bills; for that list, click on Energy Efficiency Programs, then Residential Programs, then Income Eligible Programs, and scroll down.

(800) 797-6699

Cape Organization for Rights of the Disabled (CORD)

Advocacy, information, technical assistance to advance the independence, productivity, and integration of people with disabilities (including deaf and hard-of-hearing people) into mainstream society.

(508) 775-8300 

Catholic Social Services

Social and human services to people of all faiths, including basic and emergency needs, homelessness, immigration and citizenship services, housing and residential services, disabilities, guild for the blind, elder health services, neighborhood rehabilitation, foreclosure help and more.

(508) 771-6771

Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands

Assists low-income individuals and families with access to health care and public insurance enrollment; childcare services; homeless prevention; emergency shelter; emergency financial assistance; and free tax preparation.

(508) 771-1727

Community Connections (formerly ARC of Cape Cod)

Assists people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as their families, actively supporting their full inclusion and participation in the community. Services for disabled and handicapped persons include advocacy, applications for fuel assistance and Mass Health, food pantry, housing.

(508) 744-1102

Marilyn Habercorn

Duffy Health Center

Provides a variety of health care and support services to persons who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness on Cape Cod. Services include medical care, mental health treatment, treatment for substance use disorders, benefits enrollment and case management.

(508) 771-9599 clinic

(508) 771-7517 administration

Good Neighbors Energy Fund

Hands of Hope Program

Provides critical emergency assistance to low-income families in need in the mid-Cape (Mashpee to Harwich) area, offering emergency food, financial assistance to prevent evictions and homelessness, assistance with utility and medical bills, clothing and small household goods.

(508) 432-1312

Emergency shelter

(508) 775-5073

Homeless Prevention Council

Assists those at risk of becoming homeless through professional case management, counseling, guidance, advocacy/access to housing programs and funding, and negotiation of overdue rent and mortgage payments.

(508) 255-9667

Housing Assistance Corporation

Provides homelessness prevention assistance for individuals and families, including housing vouchers. Conducts energy audits and energy rehabs for low-income and market-rate properties. Offers heating system repairs & replacement for eligible families. Develops affordable housing for individuals and families, including seniors.

(508) 771-5400

Independence House

Provides free and confidential assistance to victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence and their children. Services accessible to all ages, genders, cultures, and languages.

(508) 771-6507

(800) 439-6507

Lower Cape Outreach Council

Provides emergency assistance of food, clothing and financial support to individuals and families in Brewster, Chatham, Eastham, Harwich, Orleans, Provincetown, Truro and Wellfleet.

(508) 240-0694

St. David’s Episcopal Paper Pantry & Takeaway Meals


Serving Cape Cod elders and low-income families by providing paper products: toilet paper, paper towels, soap, shampoo, Depends and other personal items. Takeaway meals available for each family member.

Open one afternoon a month (1-3pm, Nelson Hall), on the third Wednesday of the month.

South Yarmouth

(508) 394-4222

The Salvation Army

Provides emergency financial assistance. Call first to be sure funds are available.

(508) 775-0364

South Shore Community Action Council Inc.

(Fuel Assistance Eligible Only)

Limited funds available for fuel-assistance eligible applicants at various times throughout the year.


Client Shopping Hours:

Tuesday 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Thursday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

9:00 AM - 12 Noon

Note: No New Client Registration on Saturdays

Note: Pantry will close 15 minutes prior to posted closing time

Donation Drop-Off Hours:

Tuesday 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon


8:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Note: No Donations are taken on Saturdays

Drop off is at the Family Pantry Warehouse

Office Hours:

Monday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM