These young girls set up the craft sessions at the Pantry this summer.
Truly inspiring young people.
Thank you! You're all amazing!!

Image: Sophia Swidey, Brynn & Fiona Garrity, Susanna & Nora Swidey and Maeve Garity
Photo taken by Deb DeCosta
Six young girls who come to Cape Cod for summer vacation set up a craft program for young children of clients of The Family Pantry of Cape Cod on Thursday afternoons from noon-2pm. While their parents shop the children have fun creating. The girls providing the sessions are sisters of two different families, the Swidey’s and the Garrity’s who range in age from grade 6 through Senior in high school. Sophia, Susanna & Nora Swidey joined Brynn, Fiona and Maeve Garity started planning this program back in January. The girls raise money for the craft supplies by selling jewelry they make on Wednesday nights at the Port Summer Nights Music Strolls in Harwich Port in front of Cape Cod Associates Real Estate office, they sell at Woolfie’s Bakery in Dennisport on weekends and also had a table at the Chatham Art Fair.
This past week the children of clients were able to decorate baseball hats with fabric markers and paint, work with model magic molds, make sun catchers and make a holiday card. The card is a contest that at the end of the summer one card will be chosen to be reproduced and sold over the holidays at Second Glance, the Pantry’s thrift shop in West Harwich. All proceeds will be donated to the Pantry. The girls change the craft projects every two weeks, which coincides with how often the clients return for food.
Sophia Swidey said the reason they chose to do this was to give all kids the same opportunity to have art in their lives like they have. She said “art helps us grow.” These six girls are inspiring; the pantry is lucky to have them volunteering.