Make A Gala Donation
You're invited to the Gala
If you've attended in the past you know what a fun event this is, but more importantly how much this event benefits The Family Pantry of Cape Cod and the clients we serve. This year we are highlighting Boston's very own "World Premiere Band" - featured at the biggest events around! You'll need your dancing shoes for this one! Join us for an open bar, heavy appetizers and a carving station - so much to enjoy! The Gala will be held at the scenic Wychmere Beach Club in Harwich Port overlooking Nantucket Sound and Wychmere harbor. The date is Sunday, June 8, 2025 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Leadership Sponsor - $10,000
You will be providing 40,000 meals for those in need. In addition, you will receive (10) Tickets to the Gala, on-screen recognition at the event, and across all media channels related to the Gala. You will also receive a premier full-page ad placement in the program book.
Presenting Sponsor - $5,000
You will be providing 20,000 meals for those in need. In addition, you will receive (8) Tickets to the Gala, on-screen recognition at the event, and across all media channels related to the Gala. You will also receive a full-page ad in the program book.
Wychmere Hero - $3,000
You will be providing 12,000 meals for those in need. In addition, you will receive (6) tickets to the benefit, and on-screen recognition at the event and across all media channels related to the Gala. You will also receive a half-page ad in the program book.
Cape Cod Champion - $1,500
You will be providing 6,000 meals for those in need. In addition, you will receive (4) tickets to the event and receive on-screen recognition at the event and across all media channels related to the Gala. You will also receive a quarter-page ad in the program book.
Friend - $750
You will be providing 3,000 meals for those in need. In addition, you will receive (2) tickets, on-screen recognition at the event, and a listing in the program book.
Individual Tickets - $175.00 each
You will be providing 700 meals for those in need.
AD SPECS.: All ads must be camera-ready, high res, and should be either black and white or color. Acceptable ad formats are pdf or jpg.
- Full page – 4.75” w x 7.75” h
- Half page – 4.75” w x 3.88” h
- Quarter page – 2.38” w x 3.88”h
ADS ARE DUE BY April 25, 2025.
For additional information please contact Christine Menard at
508-432-6519 or
The Family Pantry of Cape Cod is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Our tax identification number is 22-3079904.